Thursday, August 26, 2010

September Is Coming!

September is coming near, and I'm freaking out.

No, I'm not freaking out bcoz September is my b'day.

I'm freaking out because at the 5th of September, I will be competing in my first Debate Competition during my Second Year.

Moreover, it's not just a regular competition, it's the Sectionals. If I make it here, I'll go to Provincials, the Nationals, and finally WSDC!!

It's a shame that the most determining competition in my life comes out so soon, but nevertheless I'll give m best shot.

Right now I can only work harder, and pray so that everything will turns out right this year.

Oh, I forgot. Here's the competing teams:

Revian Nathanael
Pradnya Paramita
Revaldi Nathanael (Me!)

Team B
Carrisa Tehputri
Bika Alice Pidada
Takumi Wijaya

Pray for me guys. I really need it.

Until next time,

Saturday, August 14, 2010

My Great Juniors!

Melanjutkan dari post aku brapa wktu yg lalu, aku pngn nyritain tntg junior2 baru aku di EADS4 (English Debating Society of Foursma).

Ini aku ngurutnya cuma sekedar mana yg keinget duluan.

1. Carrisa
She is the first English Club girl I knew. Basically krn dia adek kls aku di SD. Tapi diluar itu, dia juga anak kelas 1 pertama yg aku latih bwt lomba. She is a first speaker and reply. Aku seneng punya Junior kyk Carrisa krn dia itu hardworker bgt. Dia seneng nyari matter & data. Makanya enak bgt kerja sama brg dia. Hehehe. Keep up the good work.

2. Mita
Dia juga anak E-Club pertama. Dia sama Mita itu yg kulatih brg2 bwt lomba english pertama di thn ajaran 2010/2011. hohoho. She's one of the best debater among my junior. She's first, third and reply. Emang kombinasi lucu. First + third, but hey thats what she is. Dia itu cara ngomongnya lucu bgt. Pengen tak makan rasanya itu anak. Hahahaha.

3. Muli
I knew her since ages ago. Dia itu adek kelasku di Gandhi juga. Dia itu adeknya alumnus SMA4. She also a good debater. She's a first third as well, tpi aku lebih suka thirdnya. Dia itu suka bgt baca novel. ga ngerti kenapa. Dia sering di address "nerd" sama temen2nya. I can't understand why. Tampangnya intimidatif bgt. WAKAKAKAKK! Keep it up, mul.

4. Ruth
I knew her since ages as well. Lebih tepatnya dia itu temen gerejaku sejak aku kelas 2 SMP. Tak disangka ternyata dia juga nyari SMA4. Dan setelah diterima, aku berhasil "menghasut" dia buat join debat. Anyway, dia kayaknya udah ketagihan debat bgt tuh. SHe's a pure second. Englishnya bagus, and the seniors, including me expect a lot from her. Go ruth.

5. Benny
Aku denger kabar kalo orang ini masuk krn japres Biologi. Mengingat kalo anak Bio itu banyak lomba dlol, awalnya aku ga yakin mw masukkin ini anak ke EADS, tpi begitu aku interview dia, wuih otaknya debate bgt. Dia kritis bgt cara mikirnya. I knew right away that, "here lies the future of Foursm Debate Team,". He's a third basically. Kalo englishnya ku latih jdi lebih bagus, maybe dia bisa jadi posisi laen. Good job benny!

6. Kreshna
Cuma ada 2 cowok di angkatan mereka. Yang pertama itu Benny, yg kedua itu orang ini. Orangnya mesum abis. Tapi gimanapun sejarah menyatakan debater bagus tends to be pervy. I'm not a pervy-good-debater, but he is. Dia third juga. Aku ngeliat potensi yg guede bgt di orang ini. Btw dia ini pacarnya Mita, dn mereka itu unyu bgt klo jalan berdua.

7. Sathya
Sathya itu debater yg bisa kubilang salah satu yg plg dedicated. Dia debat pertamanya mendadak bgt, udah gitu sering bgt gantiin org laen yg g bsa debat, but she still okay with that. She's a second. Awalnya sih dia first, cuma aku ngliat confidence dia muncul di Second. I believe that her motivation will one day turn into a shimmering achievement. Good luck Sathya

8. Abby
Abby ini awalnya agak sedih. Dia keliatannya yg paling mengalami masalah catching up sama materi. Aku tw emang materinya susah, jdi wajar kalo dia bingung. Dan pas dia mw debat pertama, dia sakit. Sakit sampe ketinggalan 3 hari pertemuan. Kasian bgt. Tapi bgtu Debut pertamanya as a First (Which I established as her permanent position), dia lgsg rock the stage bgt. She's a great girl. Be strong, Abby.

9. Lissa
Dia itu unyu bgt. Aku pertama kali liat dia pas interview. Aku sama kak wulan lgsg ngecap dia sebg "Debater Terlucu dan Terunyu". Wakakakak no offense. Juga ga niat pdkt kok. Lisa ini tmpgny emg polos abis. Tapi siapa sangka dibalik ke polosan di wajahnya itu, she's a good first. Set up nya jelas bgt. Aku seneng ngeliat first speech yg dia bawa. Keep it up, liz! btw dia ini skrg pcaran sama kk kls eclub.

10. Key
Nma aslinya Intan. Cuma Tuhan yg tw kenapa dia dipanggil Key. Intinya dia adalah second speaker. Aku liat sebenernya orang ini punya banyak bgt ide di kepalanya, tapi dia masih blm bisa express idenya itu dg baik. Tapi potensinya Key itu segede gaban. Beneran ga boong. I beliebe in Key. hahaha.

11. Dessri
Dessri ini yg paling rajin diantara Debater angkatannya. dia dtg slalu paling early. Dia juga multi-talented gtu deh. Storytelling + Debate + Maen senjata nunchak atau apapun ga jelas + Marching Band dll. She's a third. Debate stylenya aggresif bgt. Kinda remind me of myself now. Hahaha.

12. Julia
Last but not least Julia. Aku bru liat dia debat 2 kali. She's a second, tpi aku udah establish dia jdi second, reply, third. gtw knapa. i believe in my feeling n instinct as a debater. Dia sekrang lagi sakit. So for all of you reading this post, pls pray for her. hahaha, get well soon Julia.

That's all 12 of them. Sebenernya aku jga mw nyeritain soal anak2 e-club non debat tapi krn:
1. Kurang Waktu
2. Ga afal nama orang2
3. Males

Kapan2 aja deh.

So my point is, for all of my debate juniors, I put my trust and the future of EADS4 in you guys. You guys may think that you suck now. But believe me, you guys aren't. You guys as just as good, even better, than me. Don't give up, k?

Until Next Time,

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Something 'Bout Love

In case kalian blm pada tw, David Arculeta is one of my favorite artist.

Biasanya sih cewek2 suka sama itu orang salah satunya krn tampangnya, tpi sori gw bukan homo. wkwkwk.

Aku suka sama how he puts music into his life, dan perjuangannya buat dapetin apa yg dia suka (music). Kinda inspiring.

I like debate, and I will try my best to keep debate in my life.

Back to the topic,

Baru2 ini David Archuleta release single baru, Something Bout Love, n videonya bru kluar bbrapa hri yg lalu.

Well, i like his new music style, tpi kok di videonya dia keliatan tua bgt ya?

Until next time,